Mediators Beyond
Borders Oceania
Providing Education and Guidance on Conflict to Oceania Communities
Who we are
We are a community of citizens, conflict practitioners, academics, and students who promote the principles and practices of peaceful conflict management, engagement, and resolution in Oceania communities. Our members feel valued and engaged. We have a strong sense of affiliation with the peacebuilding and conflict resolution community. Our members enjoy collaborating with the respective communities and cultures of Oceania.
Get involved with our committees and working groups
MBBO Committees and Working Groups are dynamic and exist to meet and fulfil specific needs, some are to address short-term and transitory projects and others have an enduring character. Our committees and Working Groups are a way all members can engage, contribute and gain reward.
Become a Member
Members have a strong sense of affiliation to the global mediation community. They feel valued, engaged, and enjoy working with the respective cultures that comprise the Oceania region.
See what we've been doing
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